It has been quite sometime. Everybody had been talking about the big flood in Jakarta. Firstly, I have to apologize that I had to skip on the topic. Why? It would be unfair for me, who has neither experienced the flood first hand nor lived in Jakarta to write as if I knew anything on the matter. There are many experts out there, activists who have lots to say. There are even more out there, people who are directly affected by the flood and its repercussions. They have things to say too. I don't.
However, I do have a few things to say about flood, because floods have been a part of my life. I was born in the very city that inspired the song "Semarang Kaline Banjir" (Semarang, the flooding river). It was never as big as the recent one in Jakarta, though. The last big flood in Semarang happened when I was a baby, so I would not have remembered a thing. Nonetheless, big or small, flood is a yearly agenda in Semarang.
After living in Singapore for 8 years, flood becomes something more distant. It is only when I was able to distance myself from the everyday reality of flood was I able to offer a different perspective on flood:
Flood, or an invasion of water into dry land, forces the urban space and urban dynamics to change in an instant.